Friday, March 7, 2014

Profile Project Progress

For our "Elder Words of Wisdom" project, we were assigned to interview a relative or elder, and ask for words of wisdom that can inspire today's youth. My teamates are Karlie O'Rourke and Paige Wesolowski. To the left are the results of a critique that showed us where we were positioned, quality wise. For the project, we interviewed Paige's stepfather, Phil Vilatora. We were questioning him on the topic of "Sustainability" because we recieved knowledge that he lived in the jungle, off of the land, for two years.

For our B-Roll footage, we decided to film Phil in action of performing some of the chores that he does at his house. We decided to film him doing this because this theme fit best with the visual story we were trying to tell. We got some good shots of him husking and breaking open coconuts, feeding chickens, and other such tasks. We felt that this seemed fit for the theme of the interview.

We also were required to record ourselves saying voice-overs in order to transition from one question to another. These voice recordings help narrate the story, and help to explain the actions being performed in the visuals. We also used the voice-overs to share more information about Phil. With all the elements explained in this post, combined, will be sure to create a great film that will be sure to impress your viewers.

Working in a team is always a good experience, but sometimes it is hard to work together while having to incorperate three or more opinions. A team could work better together if they all spoke up about how their project could be made better. If your team members are shy, and don't share their opinion, then you might miss out on a chance to make something great. Also, it is better if all of your team members are assigned a different job. This will increase your team's production, and the work will be completed faster. We are currently planning to film more B-roll for our video, as we found that we ran out during the editiing stage.


  1. I loved your team's profile story! I also really like the color scheme on your blog.

  2. I love your blog its so nice and so well organized and everything just fits! Very Nice!
