Friday, April 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom

For this project, our interview profile stories, we interviewed Phil Villatora about his knowledge of living sustainably. Phil has lived in the jungle, off of the land, for two years, so we wanted our main point of the video to center around how people should rely more on nature. His words of wisdom were really inspiring to my team and I, as it was made clear that sustainability is something that Phil cares deeply for. My team member were Karlie O'Rourke and Paige Wesolowski. We are very proud of this video, and it placed first as the best video in our class's film festival.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Five Tips For…

The video above is the ending result of my group's "5 Tips For" video, in which we had to have an action that we would give the audience five tips about. Our video was "5 Tips For Reading A Book". My team included Mikela Puig, Maya Clark, and myself. My team and I chose this topic to make our video because all three of us enjoy reading, and many people don't like to read, so we figured that if we came up with a simple list of steps, then we could convince more people to read. We created this video during the first semester of school, so of course there are a few things thatw e could have improved. For example, the intro to our video could be changed to sound more sophisticated. Also, we could have brought out the story of the video more. Overall, this was a fun project to make, and we did the best that we were capable at the time.